Friday, May 30, 2008

Great news!

There is no significant blockage in either leg! That means no bypass surgery!

The not so great news is the inability to explain my symptoms. My surgeon, diligent as ever, spoke with the radiologist and with a sports medicine doc about my case and discovered I may have developed compartment syndrome from scar tissue following the last surgery. I am lined up for compartment pressure testing on Monday morning. Apparently this involves running on a treadmill and needles being stuck into my calf muscles. Joy.

I am still a bit tired from the aortogram and my site is pretty sore so I'll be doing lots of laying around this weekend. I'm sure I will do more than my share of worrying as well about the upcoming tests but that's par for course with me. My goal is to go outside today and get a little run in despite the soreness. I got the a-ok from the doc to resume all activity on Saturday and I intend to do just that. I've got a big deal coming up in October and I plan on being ready!

So hey, thanks to everyone who sent positive energy, words, and virtual hugs the other day. It helped a lot! Mucho thanks to S and S for bringing my nephew over to visit and torture the kitty! She wasn't quite sure what to make of a miniature human being who tried petting her and carried her treats around the house! And of course, thanks to dad for offering his support and mom for Kristie-sitting and making sure I drank water and ate dinner and all those things that mothers are good at. I am a lucky girl.

Press on.

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