Friday, May 16, 2008

reflections on the water

Had so much fun at Staring Lake last week I decided to do my 2 miles there again yesterday. This time it was a perfect 76 degrees with plenty of sunshine. I even shaved 4 minutes off my time from last week and my calves didn't hurt!

Afterwards I went out on one of the docks to stretch, do some abs, knock out some push-ups, and enjoy how the sunshine reflected off the rippling water as a light breeze kissed the surface.

I hope I am lucky enough to live on the water one day. Soothes my soul...

"There've been times that I thought
I couldn't last for long
but now I think I'm able
to carry on.

It's been a long
a long time coming
but I know
a change gon' come,
oh yes it will."

Singing straight to my soul, Sam.

Press on.

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