Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Can I please have 25 hours in a day? Puh-leeeze?

All I wanted was just one more hour of fitful sleep. Just one. Working 32/48 hours will do that to you. Not to mention sleeping like c-r-a-p. Woke up three separate times in cold sweats and rapid I had just fought for an hour and then jumped into bed.

My cat now officially thinks I'm insane...but she loves me anyway!

Obviously the crazy dreams have not stopped, in fact they are becoming quite disturbing and causing me to not sleep. I have a sneaking suspicion my mind is on overdrive with my aortogram only one day away. Even though I have been through the procedure twice before I am still apprehensive and a little frightened at what they will (or will not) find.

My goal for Wednesday is to straighten up around the house so when I come home from the hospital (hopefully on Thursday) everything will be nice and neat. No extra mess, no added stress.

I work Wednesday night (because that's how workaholics roll) and check in for my 0730 aortogram at 0600 Thursday morning. Barring any complications I should be home on some delightfully mind-altering narcotics by Thursday night. All positive thoughts during that time will be much appreciated. I can't promise I'll be answering my phone if anyone wants to chat but whoever is lucky enough to be my Kristie-sitter that night may be persuaded to play secretary...that is, if I ask nice enough before getting drugged up.

I think I'll stay close to home for my run tomorrow. There is a small lake next to my building that is quite beautiful, especially with all the fluffy baby geese waddling around.

Press on.

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