Friday, June 27, 2008

Oh no, the big three oh!

Yeah, so I'm officially OLD. Good thing I have therapy on Monday so I can talk about everything I think I should have accomplished by now. Blech. I may be in some serious denial for awhile, I didn't turn thirty...I just turned 29...again! Yeah, right. Is it really as bad as I think it is? Probably not but hell, I'm going to be irked about it until I can run it out tomorrow morning.

Speaking of running...

I found out I can map my running routes and find out how far they are! Sweet! Here's tomorrow's 4 mile route with a cool down included:


Frick, it doesn't work. Well, I'm running 4 miles at 0800 tomorrow and I'm going to be grumpy until then.

Press on.

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