Saturday, June 21, 2008

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.

If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.
-Fred Rogers

I wonder if people realize their impact on others. Just a simple smile in passing, the holding of a door, or a simple "hello" can make all the difference in a person's day. It doesn't even take extra energy to do these small things and what I've found, is that by doing, you create energy for more doing. It's a perpetual cycle of positive energy wherever you go. Perhaps that energy is contagious. If only one person out of ten "catches" that energy, think of what a difference you can make! I've always believed that you can change the world one person at a time. I may not be traveling the globe in the spotlight flaunting my deeds for the next cover story but I am doing my best to make the world around me a better place.

So the next time you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, try a little experiment. Smile today at everyone you meet. Whether they be a stranger in passing, or a longtime friend, simply smile. If it suits you, as soon as they are gone you are free to frown to your heart's content! I guarantee that by mid-day you'll wonder how the wrong side of the bed turned into the right side.

Press on.


StaceFace said...

One of my favorite paying it forwards is to give people parking stubs with extra time on them. Someone gave me one after I had begrudgingly decided to go to the pay lot. It made my day, and now, whenever I go to those type of lots I always make it a point to give the extra time to someone else on my way out!

However, now that it's nice out, and I ride my bicycle everywhere... I'll have to find a new pay it forward idea.

Stiles said...

Nice work Little Wheel! Do you ever park your bike near parking meters? In college I used to carry around a few extra quarters for those poor unfortunate souls just about to get the smack-down from the law.

Let me know what you come up with; I'm sure it will be great!