Wednesday, July 9, 2008

POD #2

Recovery is going much faster than anticipated. I am down to 1-2 Percocet/day for pain and 2-3 Vistaril/day for muscle relaxation. I am getting around quite easily with the aid of crutches and my main issue has been figuring out ways to pass the time as I am getting quite a case of cabin fever!

Today was a busy day. Mom drove me to class this morning and to the doctor's this afternoon. Tonight I am flying solo and just about to back to the living room and catch up on some reading before going to bed for the night. Everything is a process now. I can't just get up and go to the other room, I have to plan these things out. Put on the boots, hobble to other room...oops, forgot my phone...hobble back, grab phone, finally settle down in other room and dang! I have to go to the bathroom. Must be what it's like to have a toddler around.

Tomorrow I have a 4 hour marathon of class and lab back to back. Should be a tiring and painful morning so I am resting up tonight. It's chemistry and I already read the book so I'm not too worried about lecture, it's the lab that may pose a problem. Working with all those solutions and glass beakers and such...crutches and pain pills added to the mix make for a volatile situation but I'll make do. I always do.

My hamstrings and quads have tightened up significantly from being so inactive so my goal tonight is to get in a good stretch and drink lots and lots of water.

My book is calling me...

Press on.

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