Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ninja skillz

So I finally got to compete after being out for almost an entire year. My legs held up pretty well considering I've only been back a short time. I still have zero timing in sparring and I don't trust my front leg yet but that will come.

It was great being back with all my tournament crew. Kinda like going to a family reunion, people would come up to me and say hi that I haven't seen in forever and it's just like old times. Made me feel accepted I fit in, I guess. Very nice.

I surprised myself with how well I placed. Here I was going into the tournament thinking I sucked and I go and win all three of my divisions. I beat a formidable foe in the grand championship run-offs only to lose the final GC match. I'm ok with it, though, because I know that as soon as my front leg is back to normal I won't lose again. I won the overall form grand championship and was welcomed rather nicely to the "big girl" division by my fellow competitors.

Overall, an A+ day.

I have lots to improve on before Diamond Nationals next month but I'm confident I'll make the necessary adjustments and continue to improve. Man I love to compete!

My legs are a bit sore and my incision sites are rather swollen so it's time to throw some ice on those bad boys and hunker down for a long night of studying. Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I don't work my ass off for that GPA. And yes, in case you were wondering, it is a 4.0 thankyouverymuch.

Press on.

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