Tuesday, August 18, 2009

power to the people

Recently we had quite a barrage of storms pass through, one which briefly knocked out the power in my apartment. As I fumbled in the darkness I got to thinking about all the things one can do when the power goes out:

1. Play hide and go seek with flashlights. For super-seekers, ditch the flashlights and hone your night-vision.

2. Build a fire and make s'mores. Make mine with white chocolate and cinnamon grahams please.

3. Tell ghost stories. Nothing scares my socks off like a scary story. Use the flashlight under your chin for extra effects!

4. Take a hike! Hit the trails for a little midnight hike by moonlight.

5. Stargaze. Usually a difficult task so close to the cities but with the power out, the stars get a chance to shine.

Press on.

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