Saturday, September 12, 2009

You know you're old when...

"Old age isn't so bad when you consider the alternative."
-Maurice Chevalier

Today was one of the first days I've actually felt my age.

In case you are wondering, I am 29...for the third time.

I happen to feel as if I am in the worst athletic shape of my entire adult life. My run this afternoon only accentuated that feeling. I've been in various degrees of in-shapedness but never have I been such a well-rounded idler. The realization hit me about 30 seconds in to Staring Lake (one of my favorite runs). It hit like a ton of my hamstrings, "damn, I'm old."

This was serious; I could barely do my usual swagger run when impressive-calf-muscles passed by. Believe me, there were plenty and I tried my best. Unfortunately, instead of looking awesome, I probably looked more like one of these guys.

I won't even begin to tell you about the elephant on my chest.

The remedy for sans swagger and pachyderms? A little dedication and consistency should take me from American Idle to Weekend Warrior in no time! I know, dream big.

Let's hope I can out-run my age tomorrow.

Press on.

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