Wednesday, March 11, 2009

...and I will try to fix you

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Gotta love a little Coldplay once in awhile.

Have you ever tried to take something apart in order to put it back together again? I wonder if that's how our minds work. Something happens in our life that takes us apart, scattering pieces here and there. Once you think you've got everything put back together again you notice a few rogue pieces that didn't make it. What's puzzling is that our mind continues to function sans rogues. How difficult it is to discard erroneous pieces! Our first instinct is to break apart and make it work no matter what. We forget that our minds are designed to change, to adapt and thrive despite the addition or subtraction of various pieces.

And so we choose to force unnecessary breakage and get hung up in the details or we adapt and function without our previous hang-ups.

Any thoughts?

Press on.