Friday, February 13, 2009

V-Day doesn't have to be a downer...

So hey, in case you haven't noticed, Valentine's Day is tomorrow. For those of you in Love this is probably a day you are looking forward to; for those of you who are single or "on a break" this day can be daunting, depressing, and downright dismal. Good thing I have compiled a list of things to do instead of shooting yourself in the face on this, the finest of "Hallmark Holidays:"

1) Volunteer! Nothing will get you feeling better than making a difference in the lives of others. Here are some ideas:
-Feeling creative? Write a poem about what peace means to you and submit it here. Flowers will be wrapped in poems and distributed in cities throughout the land on V-Day.
-Check out Volunteer Match or google search "volunteer on Valentine's Day" for other opportunities in your area.
-Offer to babysit or spend time with your friend's bundle of joy, a niece or nephew, or your neighbor's "little angel." Nothing will put a smile on your face like the wisdom and antics of a child.

2) Snuggle a furry friend! For those of you with pets this will be easy. For others, check out your local Animal Humane Society or pet shelter (watch the intro it is so cute!) and take a field trip to snuggle the adorable little kitties, bunnies, and puppies! Awww!

3) Make a list of all the people in your life that you Love or have made a positive difference and why. Doesn't have to be elaborate or eloquent. Then call them and tell them about it (or text, e-mail, facebook, blog, etc.). Even if they aren't single on V-Day, I bet they will appreciate hearing from you and you will feel better knowing you are surrounded by Love. *One caveat: DO NOT call your ex-bf/gf/lover if the relationship is over. Focus on friends and family.

4) Clean out your closet and donate un-used items to ARC (in Richfield, MN) or your local Goodwill. You will have contributed to the well-being of others and you will have a clean closet!

5) Listen to up-beat "Happy" music. Dance around your house. Sing along. Refrain from turning on the radio, as most stations are likely to be playing a marathon of sappy Love songs.

6) Offer to cook dinner for another single friend or friends. Go easy on the wine, but heavy on the Love. This doesn't have to be elaborate; your friends will appreciate the food and you will appreciate the company. For those of you who don't cook there's always take-out or delivery!

7) GET OUT OF YOUR HOUSE! There is nothing worse than sitting at home alone on V-Day, listening to sappy Love songs, and wondering if you will be alone forever. Go for a hike, attend a local play/concert/event, or volunteer (see #1).

8) For those of you who are single, there is no better day to assure the availability of others than to hit the town on V-Day. Avoid anyone with doe-eyes and you should be money. If you are just looking to hook-up please don't forget Nirodh (this video is HILARIOUS, btw). I do not suggest hooking up if you are "on a break," remember that one Friend's episode?

9) Be happy you are not one of the unfortunate recipients of chocolate today. Blasphemy? No way! Did you know the production of chocolate relies on three fungi? Ewww! Check it out!

10) Finally, take my poll! For those of you reading from facebook, visit my blog and take the poll. Let me know what YOU are doing on V-Day so I can live vicariously :)

So that's it kids. Remember, this doesn't have to be the day you shoot yourself in the face. There are plenty of other ways to pass the time that are a tad more productive and conducive to living. If I missed anything please post a comment to share!

Press on.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

dear downstairs neightbors...

Dear downstairs neighbors,

It smells like Phish fans and Snoop Dogg having a party at Cheech & Chong's.
From upstairs and down the hall.
Clove cigarettes do not cancel out the smell of weed.
Nor does spraying nauseating amounts of Febreze outside your door.
Just Say No.
Thank you.

Press on.

The wild, weird, & wacky world of microbes!

So I am taking microbiology this semester and am learning about the wild, weird, and wacky world of microbes. Who knew that bacteria was so...fascinating! Did you know we all have eye mites? How cool is it that we all have E. coli? Yes, everyone has it, just not the serotype O157:H7 that causes all sorts of nasties.

We are now starting to look at some of the smaller living things (but not as small as microbes) and I am particularly fascinated by worms! The latest fruits of independent, Internet time-wasting...AKA "research" include this: little ditty about some of the strangest worms. While hardly cute, fuzzy, or pretty to look at under a microscope (like Staphylococcus aureus I'd say they are a pretty interesting group of beasties.

That is all.

Press on.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Things You Never Wanted to Know About Stiles

...but here they are anyway:

1. I will do anything for my family and friends, even at my own expense (but please see #9 before you ask).

2. I am a vegetarian. I don't eat anything with a mommy.

3. Despite having extensive documentation of my intelligence, I am incredibly forgetful. Please don't be offended if I forget something about you; I forget things about myself all the time. What was this list about again?

4. I always thought I'd be married with a house and kids by now and am rather disappointed about being 0 for 3.

5. I think the sound of babies crying is one of the sweetest sounds ever. Ask me why sometime.

6. I know all about channel 1. You can ask me about this sometime as well.

7. I don't sleep. Sometimes by choice but mostly because I don't have time. The world won't wait and I can sleep all I want when I'm dead.

8. I am terrible about keeping in touch with people. Really REALLY terrible. If we haven't spoken in awhile it's NOT because I don't think about you or because I don't want to, it's just because I get too busy or I simply forget (see #3). If we haven't spoken in awhile I would *love* to hear from you!

9. I am certified to: save your life, pump you up, and wipe your butt. I will gladly help you with the first two but only under exigent circumstances will I ever wipe your ass.

10. I don't give myself credit for anything ever. Unless my therapist reminds me to do so.

11. If I am still 0 for 3 on #4 in 3 years I'm canning the dream and dedicating my life to medicine (read as going to med school). It's the only way I can continue to justify my existence sans family.

12. I am what a radical feminist looks like.

13. I love me a well-developed pair of gastrocnemius muscles on men or women.

14. I am a nerd in biology lab, a geek at school, and a dork all the time.

15. My favorite bone is the sphenoid bone. It looks like a butterfly and has a Turkish saddle.

16. I've had more surgeries than all your grandparents put together.

17. My idea of a fun vacation includes going to Haiti to work with TB patients, Romania to work with kids in an orphanage, or Chile to do conservation work to save the wild chinchillas. I also wouldn't mind going to a deserted island and spending a week or 5 alone with the ocean.

18. I try really hard not to be disillusioned with life, love, and happiness. Sometimes I fail but I always dust myself off and try again.

19. I am a Ninja.

20. I'm typically not a touchy-feely person but my cousin in the veiny pencil (you know who you are Woo Honky Honk) gives THE BEST heart hugs. My sister Little Wheel is a close second. I look forward to them and wish more people would learn this fabulous skill.

21. If one could legally inject caffeine I would do so.

22. I hope that anyone who actually reads this will post a comment, even if it's just to say "hi."

23. I love lists. I have a list for just about everything. Lists are very helpful when I forget things which I tend to do a lot (have I mentioned #3). Here are some examples: bucket list, traits I am looking for in a significant other, 25 things you never wanted to know, the red flag list, places to go, microbes to gram stain, adventures to have, things to do during my planned spontaneous get the picture.

24. Yes, I plan time to be spontaneous and have a list to consult with various spontaneous activities in which to engage (see #23).

25. No matter how bad things get, I know there is a fire within me that NOTHING and NOBODY can EVER extinguish.

The sum of this list = I am awesome. Anyone who thinks otherwise can suck it :)