Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ninja skillz

So I finally got to compete after being out for almost an entire year. My legs held up pretty well considering I've only been back a short time. I still have zero timing in sparring and I don't trust my front leg yet but that will come.

It was great being back with all my tournament crew. Kinda like going to a family reunion, people would come up to me and say hi that I haven't seen in forever and it's just like old times. Made me feel accepted I fit in, I guess. Very nice.

I surprised myself with how well I placed. Here I was going into the tournament thinking I sucked and I go and win all three of my divisions. I beat a formidable foe in the grand championship run-offs only to lose the final GC match. I'm ok with it, though, because I know that as soon as my front leg is back to normal I won't lose again. I won the overall form grand championship and was welcomed rather nicely to the "big girl" division by my fellow competitors.

Overall, an A+ day.

I have lots to improve on before Diamond Nationals next month but I'm confident I'll make the necessary adjustments and continue to improve. Man I love to compete!

My legs are a bit sore and my incision sites are rather swollen so it's time to throw some ice on those bad boys and hunker down for a long night of studying. Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I don't work my ass off for that GPA. And yes, in case you were wondering, it is a 4.0 thankyouverymuch.

Press on.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Kitty Crazies

My kitty went insane today. More than usual, that is. Every day she takes about 5 minutes or so to work out her kitty crazies. She bolts around the house like she's on fire making all kinds of strange noises and just as quickly as she began, she stops and resumes her normal activities (sleeping and causing trouble). Today her crazies lasted all afternoon while I was trying to get some sleep before work tonight. I didn't get much and I'm feeling it now.

As I opened the door of my apartment to head out to work a little black and white blur flew by my feet and scampered full-throttle down the hall. Annie Kitty had made a break for it! I dropped everything and ran after her. She made it all the way down the hall to the elevator when I finally caught up with her and she did everything she could to avoid capture. Once I finally nabbed her she moved her limbs round and round in a futile attempt to flee. I held fast and earned a nice long scratch on my arm for the effort.

Who knows what kind of kitty trouble she is up to in that apartment while I am here at work hoping this gash in my arm doesn't turn into cat-scratch fever. I won't find out until tomorrow afternoon because I have school immediately following work. Hopefully all will be well and her crazies will have worked themselves out without too much disaster.

Press on.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Are we there yet?

So I just signed up for the Leadership! Program at school and applied for Phi Theta Kappa AND for a volunteer position at a local battered women's shelter. As if 5 classes, working full time, and doing karate weren't enough. I like being busy. I feel useful and productive. With my chosen activities I also feel like I am contributing something positive to the universe to counter-balance all the C-R-A-P out there. Seriously, I should really stop flipping channels altogether and just outright ignore stupid people who's only goal in life is to "party" or become a "player." Sheesh. As if there weren't enough stupid people on the planet our culture seems hell-bent on rotting all our brains. I mean really, do I care who threw the biggest party, who wore what, and how about the latest . Just put a gun to my head now, please.

Can you tell I'm a bit...perturbed lately? I am so sick of the dishonesty, lack of integrity, bullshit, and inaneness in people these days. For some reason it pisses me off to no end. People treat others like shit, take their priveleged lives for granted, and carry on with no regard for anyone but themselves. Am I the only one who notices this? Am I the only one wasting energy on being angry about it all? Am I alone in wanting to move to Mallorca and disappear from our dispicable state of ignorance for good?

Press on.